It is overwhelming to me to dwell on really think about all He did for me.
I was reminded this morning...that He walked alone for ME. He took on MY sin. He paid MY debt.
I love the song "Never Once." It is one of my favorites. When I am singing it...I wish that my voice was so beautiful that I could stand on that stage and just belt it out...
"Scars and struggles on the way
But with joy our hearts can say...
Never once did we ever walk alone
Never once did You leave us on our own
You are faithful, God, You are faithful"
But with joy our hearts can say...
Never once did we ever walk alone
Never once did You leave us on our own
You are faithful, God, You are faithful"
When I look at my life, there are so many scars and struggles...things that broke my heart and brought me to my knees. Yet with EVERY single one...He never let me walk alone...He was faithful.
We began preparing for Easter last Sunday with our family. We dusted off the Resurrection eggs and every night we gather around to crack open an egg and explore the Easter story. Our family is at so many different levels, it is hard to find a time in the evenings between homework, reading, baths, activities...that we can all gather around. So we made it optional for the big girls...but every night when Silas announces it is egg they all four come. That blesses my heart. I love the interaction between them...Silas asked last night "Who in the world is this Caesar?"...before Beau could answer, Clara was giving a brief history lesson for Silas.
I have been reminded every day when I go to the mailbox and find 3 or 4 more college letters with my oldest child's name on it...that my time with my babies is very limited, so today I will cherish it.
Thankful that they are each learning that they will never walk alone. Thankful that they know that Easter is not about the bunny but about a Savior. Thankful that they know the story inside out and that each of them have made it part of their story.
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