Sunday, June 28, 2009

We must have been bananas....

I stepped way out of my comfort zone at the beach. The last time my body was in the ocean I was on a youth beach trip. At some point that week, Stan Hill threw me in a school of fish and I never got back in the ocean. Until this week...and for about 20 minutes I faced my fear and played in the ocean. It was fun, but later that day the lifeguard told us about someone seeing a shark early in the day and I guess with that it will be another 20 years before I am brave again.
BUT, in a moment of weakness I offered to ride the banana boat with my girls and Beau. I told little Ellie that if she would do it I would...knowing in my heart that little 42 pound shrimp would NEVER have enough nerve to do that. NOT....1 hour later I am buckled in my life jacket and they put me out to be eaten by whatever wanted me.
Honestly, it was so much fun. I would love to do it in a swimming pool....a big swimming pool. But boy was I scared....along with Clara who never stopped screaming at the top of her lungs....the entire ride....
But that little Ellie, she never stopped grinning!! It was a ton of fun!!

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